TEE – Documentation

One of the hardest things is tracking down the right documentation for TEE (Taleo Enterprise Edition).
If you type:
taleo enterprise documentation
into Google it should bring you to this which is all the documentation for the platform sans data dictionaries.
You find the data dictionaries on the MOS by searching for ‘data dictionaries’

TCC – Paging

In advanced export options:
Check Prevent Duplicates
Add pageindex with a value of 1 for the first page, 2 for the second, etc.
Add pagingsize with a value of the number of records to be returned.

TCC – Candidate EEO/Diversity Answers

One of the more troublesome aspects of EEO is trying to figure out what a candidate entered as it’s masked on the front end and it’s really hard to tell.

Create a file called CandidateDiversityAnswers_sq.xml

Copy and paste the following to get everything that they’ve entered for EEO (please note this is from the standard EEO questions, not custom):

<?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8"?>
<quer:query productCode="RC1401" model="http://www.taleo.com/ws/tee800/2009/01" projectedClass="Candidate" locale="en" mode="CSV" csvheader="true" csvdelimiter="|" csvquote="&quot;" largegraph="true" preventDuplicates="false" xmlns:quer="http://www.taleo.com/ws/integration/query"><quer:subQueries/><quer:projections><quer:projection><quer:field path="Number"/></quer:projection><quer:projection><quer:field path="FirstName"/></quer:projection><quer:projection><quer:field path="LastName"/></quer:projection><quer:projection><quer:field path="DiversityAnswers,Question,DiversityQuestion.RegulationForm,Number"/></quer:projection><quer:projection><quer:field path="DiversityAnswers,Question,DiversityQuestion.RegulationForm,Code"/></quer:projection><quer:projection><quer:field path="DiversityAnswers,Question,DiversityQuestion.RegulationForm,Name"/></quer:projection><quer:projection><quer:field path="DiversityAnswers,Question,Number"/></quer:projection><quer:projection><quer:field path="DiversityAnswers,Question,Code"/></quer:projection><quer:projection><quer:field path="DiversityAnswers,Question,Name"/></quer:projection><quer:projection alias="CreationDate" projectedValueType="string" projectedField="DiversityAnswers,RuntimeString:CreationDateFormatted"><quer:customFunction name="TO_CHAR"><quer:field path="DiversityAnswers,CreationDate"/><quer:string>yyyy-MM-dd</quer:string></quer:customFunction></quer:projection><quer:projection><quer:field path="DiversityAnswers,PossibleAnswer,Number"/></quer:projection><quer:projection><quer:field path="DiversityAnswers,PossibleAnswer,Sequence"/></quer:projection><quer:projection><quer:field path="DiversityAnswers,PossibleAnswer,Description"/></quer:projection></quer:projections><quer:projectionFilterings/><quer:filterings><quer:filtering><quer:equal><quer:field path="Number"/><quer:long>348272</quer:long></quer:equal></quer:filtering></quer:filterings><quer:sortings/><quer:sortingFilterings/><quer:groupings/><quer:joinings/></quer:query>

TCC – Setting Symbols via the TaleoConnectClient.ini file

I’ve run into situations many times where the integration is not built around touchpoints. I had always assumed that if you didn’t use the touchpoints for the integration that you were unable to set the symbols that are to be used with the integration. About a month ago TCC started doing something funky, it created a weird new endpoint and I wasn’t sure why. I then noticed my stock TCC was acting like it was using the touchpoints (e.g. it was using a config board). After a little more research I realized that the TaleoConnectClient.ini had been changed and there were now symbols, something unheard of when not using touchpoints. It turns out that it somehow wrote them into the ini file, not sure why or how but this is what was in there and it looks to be pretty promising for fixing some issues I run into when folks aren’t using the touchpoints.

Read More

TCC – UDSElement Merge Sample

This is the standard base import for a user defined selection element merge, it does not contain OLF links but that’s simple enough to add
Create file called UDSElementMerge_ld.xml
User the following for the content:

<?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8"?>
<load:load productCode="RC1501" model="http://www.taleo.com/ws/tee800/2009/01" root="UDSElement" operation="merge" locale="en" header="true" delimiter="," quote="&quot;" xmlns:load="http://www.taleo.com/ws/integration/load">
 <load:column type="IDENTIFIER" header="Identifier" path=""/>
 <load:column parameter="1" type="DATA" path="Code" searchType="SEARCH_AND_VALUE" searchTarget="." localeType="NONE"/>
 <load:column parameter="1" path="Description" searchType="NONE" localeType="DEFAULT" type="DATA"/>
 <load:column parameter="1" type="DATA" path="UserDefinedSelection,Code" searchType="SEARCH" searchTarget="." localeType="NONE"/>
 <load:column parameter="1" type="DATA" path="UserDefinedSelection,Code" searchType="SEARCH" searchTarget=".." localeType="NONE"/>
 <load:column parameter="1" path="Active" searchType="NONE" localeType="NONE" type="DATA"/>
 <load:column parameter="1" path="Complete" searchType="NONE" localeType="NONE" type="DATA"/>
 <load:column parameter="1" path="Sequence" searchType="NONE" localeType="NONE" type="DATA"/>

TCC – Concatenate

For the next time I need this because my editor is buggy:

<quer:projection alias="Ident" xmlns:quer="http://www.taleo.com/ws/integration/query">
<quer:field path="Candidate,Number"/>
<quer:field path="Requisition,Number"/>

TCC – Extract within limits

One thing about TCC is that you do have to deal with export limits, now 500k records a day sounds like a lot but you have to break those down into 100k chunks and therein lies the rub.  Fortunately there is a way around that, check out this document in the MOS for directions on dealing with this.

TCC – Decode

Some how and some way I managed to goof up my development box so that for a function projection such as decode, I do not see the function parameters. Yes I know, sigh… So here is the basic decode statement to use for the times when I need a decode:

<quer:projection alias="EEORace_DNP" xmlns:quer="http://www.taleo.com/ws/integration/query">
<quer:field path="path"/>
<quer:field path="path"/>
<quer:field path="path"/>

TCC – IncludedIn

I’m not sure how I’ve been working with TCC for 7 years and didn’t realize that this was an option, I haven’t gone back in to check the documentation to see if it’s there but it would seem to me that I’d have found that by now if it was. Many times we need to return things that are in a list. Well that’s a bit difficult to do unless you can utilize that list to get the correct items. I ran across includedIn that uses a list to do just that. Here’s the snippet to get you on your way.

<quer:filtering xmlns:quer="http://www.taleo.com/ws/integration/query">
<quer:field path="Requisition,ContestNumber"/>